"prove this god exists without any biblical references or any writings by others!
go ahead. i will be waiting.
and again with the insults from a fake minister."
You don't understand the Laws of evidence do you?
You cannot prove
something spiritual to a NON spiritual mind, What I can do is present
proof from existing evidences in nature and history that his existence
is indeed possible, the rest is based upon 'knowledgeable understanding'
through faith as it should be. YOU REFUSE TO SEE IT SO HOW IS THAT MY
Atheists created an impossible idea and called it PROOF, because they know the same thing, proof is in the eyes of the beholder and anything can be denied so all you have to do is deny everything without explanation and the Christian is left with nothing!
The truth though is the opposite, the PROOF is there and ABSOLUTE, it never changes, it never goes away, its your understanding of it that changes and morphs not the evidence of God. You simply change the rules of interpretation of the evidence to suite you any time it gets close...BUT ITS STILL THERE NONETHELESS!
The ONLY reason the Bible bothers Atheists is because the witness to truth cannot be refuted, therefore its easier to eliminate the evidence than to deal with it. They would rather take their chances with the secondary proof....Nature, History, and Science because they can confuse the ignorant and create skepticism.
It is you who must PROVE HE DOESN'T EXIST since the evidence from smallest to greatest indicates he is indeed possible! I will be waiting as I have for over 30 years now!
We know that we exist because . We are irrefutable evidence that intelligent life exists in the universe, give or take a few of us.
So, is it really that much of a stretch to think that there might be intelligent life capable of creating a universe with form, structure and physical laws that always seem to remain constant? Just as its not a stretch to think that a Car that's designed might just have a designer.
The fact that we live in a universe with reliable physical laws is a bit ironic, don't you think? Considering that many scientists believe the universe evolved by random processes that had no intelligence of their own.
How could INTELLIGENCE come from nothing colliding with nothing over millions of years? Life comes from life, that's simple science but you think that life came from non-life...who's got more faith? Me or you?
To prove the existence of a higher power, we can begin by assuming there is no higher power.
What kind of universe would we have?
A random one, of course. Everything would happen without a purpose.
Nothing could be predicted; nothing could be relied on.
Mathematics and science would have no value because nothing could be reliably measured or have regularity, that's what random means and without God everything in life if life could finally come together right would be a mixed up puzzle WITHOUT A SET PURPOSE.
A belief that there are NO ABSOLUTES only leads to disorder [Chaos] not order therefore Evolution cannot be true simply because absolutes are not allowed, the universe is FINE TUNED and even its chaotic elements obey certain order. LAWS are proof absolutes exist, evolution obeys PHYSICAL LAWS so it must have absolutes to function though it denies them outright!
And please, stop with the nonsense about insults, you OF ALL PEOPLE cannot talk, you trample peoples beliefs and feelings with each response here and then cry when your told your ignorant about something, that only means you don't know as much as you think you know, NOT that your stupid or dumb! I stated before that you ARE smarter than your acting on here, I know that's true!
Atheists created an impossible idea and called it PROOF, because they know the same thing, proof is in the eyes of the beholder and anything can be denied so all you have to do is deny everything without explanation and the Christian is left with nothing!
The truth though is the opposite, the PROOF is there and ABSOLUTE, it never changes, it never goes away, its your understanding of it that changes and morphs not the evidence of God. You simply change the rules of interpretation of the evidence to suite you any time it gets close...BUT ITS STILL THERE NONETHELESS!
The ONLY reason the Bible bothers Atheists is because the witness to truth cannot be refuted, therefore its easier to eliminate the evidence than to deal with it. They would rather take their chances with the secondary proof....Nature, History, and Science because they can confuse the ignorant and create skepticism.
It is you who must PROVE HE DOESN'T EXIST since the evidence from smallest to greatest indicates he is indeed possible! I will be waiting as I have for over 30 years now!
We know that we exist because . We are irrefutable evidence that intelligent life exists in the universe, give or take a few of us.
So, is it really that much of a stretch to think that there might be intelligent life capable of creating a universe with form, structure and physical laws that always seem to remain constant? Just as its not a stretch to think that a Car that's designed might just have a designer.
The fact that we live in a universe with reliable physical laws is a bit ironic, don't you think? Considering that many scientists believe the universe evolved by random processes that had no intelligence of their own.
How could INTELLIGENCE come from nothing colliding with nothing over millions of years? Life comes from life, that's simple science but you think that life came from non-life...who's got more faith? Me or you?
To prove the existence of a higher power, we can begin by assuming there is no higher power.
What kind of universe would we have?
A random one, of course. Everything would happen without a purpose.
Nothing could be predicted; nothing could be relied on.
Mathematics and science would have no value because nothing could be reliably measured or have regularity, that's what random means and without God everything in life if life could finally come together right would be a mixed up puzzle WITHOUT A SET PURPOSE.
A belief that there are NO ABSOLUTES only leads to disorder [Chaos] not order therefore Evolution cannot be true simply because absolutes are not allowed, the universe is FINE TUNED and even its chaotic elements obey certain order. LAWS are proof absolutes exist, evolution obeys PHYSICAL LAWS so it must have absolutes to function though it denies them outright!
And please, stop with the nonsense about insults, you OF ALL PEOPLE cannot talk, you trample peoples beliefs and feelings with each response here and then cry when your told your ignorant about something, that only means you don't know as much as you think you know, NOT that your stupid or dumb! I stated before that you ARE smarter than your acting on here, I know that's true!
the only reason the big book of fairytales bothers us is because
the believers think its true and throw it in our faces as fact
all the time!
We do what? I didn't know you
existed before you opened YOUR TEXT to insult my beliefs, so I guess I
can use that same excuse on why I find Atheism repulsive?
Your religion is just as bad as all religion so stop pretending to be pure apart from religion, your in the same 'UNHOLY BED' with the hypocrites you hate!
ITS THE LAW OF THE LAND, if you deny it, well how can you, you have become your what?
Court rules atheism a religion
Decides 1st Amendment protects prison inmate’s right to start study group.
Atheism Is Protected As a Religion, says Court.
I know, I know, you have heard it all before.
I read a blog post that spelled it out pretty well, enough to re post it. Kevin Childs is a DJ at The Rock ( and he did a post discussing how Atheists belong to a religion.
We, as rational individuals, all know its true except the atheists themselves. When, and only when, they understand that they indeed belong to a religion, then we can get down as to who holds the most accurate and truthful religion out there.
For Atheists to attempt to claim "neutrality", in reference to God, is a complete cop out and disingenuous intellectually. They have indeed picked a side. They choose their religion based on what they believe is evidential to their presuppositions.
Denying what they believe, and hold as truth, may be an easier pill for them to swallow but they are only attempting to deceive themselves.
Childs makes the case:
Atheism is a religion.
Atheism IS a religion. I know that some have made that statement without much evidence. And I know that atheists themselves heatedly deny it.
I’ve heard their rejoinders: If atheism is a religion, then not playing baseball is a sport. Or, atheism is to religion what bald is to hair color. Clever. I guess I don’t blame them for denying it, but denying something doesn’t prove it is not there. (I would advise any atheist readers to re-read the previous sentence until BOTH meanings sink in.)
A religion doesn’t have to posit a god who must be identified or worshiped. Some religions are polytheistic (Hinduism, Mormonism), some monotheistic (Judaism, Christianity, Islam), some non-theistic (Buddhism). I’d say the new atheists and their religion are “anti-theistic.” But their atheism is religious nonetheless.
Consider this:
They have their own worldview.
Materialism (the view that the material world is all there is) is the lens through which atheists view the world. Far from being the open-minded, follow-the-evidence-wherever thinkers they claim to be, they interpret all data ONLY within the very narrow worldview of materialism. They are like a guy wearing dark sunglasses who chides all others for thinking the sun is out.
They have their own orthodoxy.
Orthodoxy is a set of beliefs acceptable to a faith community. Just as there are orthodox Christian beliefs, there is an atheist orthodoxy as well. In brief, it is that EVERYTHING can be explained as the product of unintentional, undirected, purposeless evolution. No truth claim is acceptable if it cannot be subjected to scientific scrutiny.
They have their own brand of apostasy.
Apostasy is to abandon one’s former religious faith. Antony Flew was for many years one of the world’s most prominent atheists. And then he did the unthinkable: he changed his mind. You can imagine the response of the “open-minded, tolerant” New Atheist movement. Flew was vilified.
Richard Dawkins accused Flew of “tergiversation.” It’s a fancy word for apostasy. By their own admission, then, Flew abandoned their “faith.”
They have their own prophets:
Nietzsche, Russell, Feuerbach, Lenin, Marx.
They have their own messiah:
He is, of course, Charles Darwin. Darwin – in their view – drove the definitive stake through the heart of theism by providing a comprehensive explanation of life that never needs God as a cause or explanation. Daniel Dennett has even written a book seeking to define religious faith itself as merely an evolutionary development.
They have their own preachers and evangelists.
And boy, are they “evangelistic.” Dawkins, Dennett, Harris, and Hitchens (Speaking of which, our prayers goes out to Christopher Hitchens in hopes of a speedy recovery for his cancer, we need more time with him Lord) are NOT out to ask that atheism be given respect. They are seeking converts. They are preaching a “gospel” calling for the end of theism.
They have faith. That’s right, faith.
They would have you believe the opposite. Their writings ridicule faith, condemn faith. Harris’s book is called The End of Faith. But theirs is a faith-based enterprise. The existence of God cannot be proven or dis-proven.
To deny it takes faith. Evolution has no explanation for why our universe is orderly, predictable, measurable. In fact (atheistic) evolutionary theory has no rational explanation for why there is such a thing as rational explanation.
There is no accounting for the things they hope you won’t ask:
Why do we have self-awareness?
What makes us conscious?
From what source is there a universal sense of right and wrong?
They just take such unexplained things by … faith.
There are days when evil and suffering are hard to explain, even for the most ardent follower of God. There are questions we cannot answer. There are days when every honest Christian will admit doubt. But we don’t become atheists. It is because our soul JUST KNOWS that God is there. And maybe because atheism is a religion that requires too much untenable faith.
Not only is Atheism a religion, the entire premise is a negative proof fallacy.
I posted this [With Credit to the Author] to prove to others that your as phony as any hypocrite you've accused because its really sickening how much contradiction there is in your postings.
You see after becoming a Christian after being Atheistic in thought for years, I used to live and let live UNTIL a group of hit and run Atheists wouldn't let well enough alone on the insulting and moronic comments THEN I decided from that moment on never to let ignorance rule a conversation. I, like most people get SICK of the crappy presentations by those who hate God!
What should bother you is that pic you used looks exactly like every Dr. of Atheism I've ever heard speak along with quite a few dumb religious leaders as well, and that's a lot! Atheism and Religion without relationship offers us nothing in return for our souls, nice trade off!
Your religion is just as bad as all religion so stop pretending to be pure apart from religion, your in the same 'UNHOLY BED' with the hypocrites you hate!
ITS THE LAW OF THE LAND, if you deny it, well how can you, you have become your what?
Court rules atheism a religion
Decides 1st Amendment protects prison inmate’s right to start study group.
Atheism Is Protected As a Religion, says Court.
I know, I know, you have heard it all before.
I read a blog post that spelled it out pretty well, enough to re post it. Kevin Childs is a DJ at The Rock ( and he did a post discussing how Atheists belong to a religion.
We, as rational individuals, all know its true except the atheists themselves. When, and only when, they understand that they indeed belong to a religion, then we can get down as to who holds the most accurate and truthful religion out there.
For Atheists to attempt to claim "neutrality", in reference to God, is a complete cop out and disingenuous intellectually. They have indeed picked a side. They choose their religion based on what they believe is evidential to their presuppositions.
Denying what they believe, and hold as truth, may be an easier pill for them to swallow but they are only attempting to deceive themselves.
Childs makes the case:
Atheism is a religion.
Atheism IS a religion. I know that some have made that statement without much evidence. And I know that atheists themselves heatedly deny it.
I’ve heard their rejoinders: If atheism is a religion, then not playing baseball is a sport. Or, atheism is to religion what bald is to hair color. Clever. I guess I don’t blame them for denying it, but denying something doesn’t prove it is not there. (I would advise any atheist readers to re-read the previous sentence until BOTH meanings sink in.)
A religion doesn’t have to posit a god who must be identified or worshiped. Some religions are polytheistic (Hinduism, Mormonism), some monotheistic (Judaism, Christianity, Islam), some non-theistic (Buddhism). I’d say the new atheists and their religion are “anti-theistic.” But their atheism is religious nonetheless.
Consider this:
They have their own worldview.
Materialism (the view that the material world is all there is) is the lens through which atheists view the world. Far from being the open-minded, follow-the-evidence-wherever thinkers they claim to be, they interpret all data ONLY within the very narrow worldview of materialism. They are like a guy wearing dark sunglasses who chides all others for thinking the sun is out.
They have their own orthodoxy.
Orthodoxy is a set of beliefs acceptable to a faith community. Just as there are orthodox Christian beliefs, there is an atheist orthodoxy as well. In brief, it is that EVERYTHING can be explained as the product of unintentional, undirected, purposeless evolution. No truth claim is acceptable if it cannot be subjected to scientific scrutiny.
They have their own brand of apostasy.
Apostasy is to abandon one’s former religious faith. Antony Flew was for many years one of the world’s most prominent atheists. And then he did the unthinkable: he changed his mind. You can imagine the response of the “open-minded, tolerant” New Atheist movement. Flew was vilified.
Richard Dawkins accused Flew of “tergiversation.” It’s a fancy word for apostasy. By their own admission, then, Flew abandoned their “faith.”
They have their own prophets:
Nietzsche, Russell, Feuerbach, Lenin, Marx.
They have their own messiah:
He is, of course, Charles Darwin. Darwin – in their view – drove the definitive stake through the heart of theism by providing a comprehensive explanation of life that never needs God as a cause or explanation. Daniel Dennett has even written a book seeking to define religious faith itself as merely an evolutionary development.
They have their own preachers and evangelists.
And boy, are they “evangelistic.” Dawkins, Dennett, Harris, and Hitchens (Speaking of which, our prayers goes out to Christopher Hitchens in hopes of a speedy recovery for his cancer, we need more time with him Lord) are NOT out to ask that atheism be given respect. They are seeking converts. They are preaching a “gospel” calling for the end of theism.
They have faith. That’s right, faith.
They would have you believe the opposite. Their writings ridicule faith, condemn faith. Harris’s book is called The End of Faith. But theirs is a faith-based enterprise. The existence of God cannot be proven or dis-proven.
To deny it takes faith. Evolution has no explanation for why our universe is orderly, predictable, measurable. In fact (atheistic) evolutionary theory has no rational explanation for why there is such a thing as rational explanation.
There is no accounting for the things they hope you won’t ask:
Why do we have self-awareness?
What makes us conscious?
From what source is there a universal sense of right and wrong?
They just take such unexplained things by … faith.
There are days when evil and suffering are hard to explain, even for the most ardent follower of God. There are questions we cannot answer. There are days when every honest Christian will admit doubt. But we don’t become atheists. It is because our soul JUST KNOWS that God is there. And maybe because atheism is a religion that requires too much untenable faith.
Not only is Atheism a religion, the entire premise is a negative proof fallacy.
I posted this [With Credit to the Author] to prove to others that your as phony as any hypocrite you've accused because its really sickening how much contradiction there is in your postings.
You see after becoming a Christian after being Atheistic in thought for years, I used to live and let live UNTIL a group of hit and run Atheists wouldn't let well enough alone on the insulting and moronic comments THEN I decided from that moment on never to let ignorance rule a conversation. I, like most people get SICK of the crappy presentations by those who hate God!
What should bother you is that pic you used looks exactly like every Dr. of Atheism I've ever heard speak along with quite a few dumb religious leaders as well, and that's a lot! Atheism and Religion without relationship offers us nothing in return for our souls, nice trade off!
"the fact that you think atheism, no belief in a god, is a religion proves once again how ignorant you are.
we don't think about proving anything or care about a god. so again you lose."
I proved it was and is a RELIGION LOGICALLY its not MY BELIEF its the facts presented, but instead of proving it you insult me and my Lord? A religion doesn't have to believe in a god at all as was stated, you DO BELIEVE IN SOMETHING, Evolution, Survival of the fittest, Mother earth and the Universe are your god because you exalt them as I would God. THAT'S A BELIEF SYSTEM PLAIN AND SIMPLE!
It is impossible to prove that there is no God. Don't believe me? Let's take a look at the nature of the statement, "God does not exist."
Back up for just a minute and think about the difference between positive and negative statements of fact. The difference can be illustrated by a simple example. Suppose there are 10,000 clovers in a field. Person A declares, "There is a four-leaf clover in that field," while Person B objects, "There are no four-leaf clovers in that field." Now, how many clovers does each person have to observe and know about in order to be certain that they are correct?
Since Person A must find only one single
four-leaf clover in order to be correct, in theory he could prove his
statement after observing only one clover, provided that it had four
leaves on it. But Person B, in order to know for a fact that she is
right, has a lot of work to do! That's because until all 10,000 clovers
have been inspected, there would still be the possibility that among the
clovers which remained "unknown" to her was one which boasted a fourth
leaf. She could never be certain that she was right until she knew
everything there was to know about that field and the clovers it
The same principle holds for statements such as, "There is a God," and "There is no God," only this time on a cosmic scale. In order to prove the claim, "There is no God in the universe," one would have to know everything there is to know about the universe. As long as some body of knowledge remains unknown to anyone making that statement, there will always be the possibility that sufficient evidence for the existence of God is out there, despite the individual's ignorance of it.
The same principle holds for statements such as, "There is a God," and "There is no God," only this time on a cosmic scale. In order to prove the claim, "There is no God in the universe," one would have to know everything there is to know about the universe. As long as some body of knowledge remains unknown to anyone making that statement, there will always be the possibility that sufficient evidence for the existence of God is out there, despite the individual's ignorance of it.
And since no one can seriously claim to know
everything, anyone who is honest will admit that they can never prove
there isn't a God. One Christian author put it this way: "Somewhere, in
the vast knowledge you haven't yet discovered, there could be enough
evidence to prove that God does exist. . . . If you insist upon
disbelief in God, what you must say is, 'Having the limited knowledge I
have at present, I believe that there is no God.'"**
It is the word "believe" in the above quotation which brings us to the assertion made in the title of this article: "Atheism is a faith-based belief system." To be an atheist, you have to have to rely on belief, not factual knowledge. You could never amass enough knowledge to prove the nonexistence of God, so you must place your faith in the improvable assumption that there is no God. My Christian brothers and sisters, do not ever let an atheist deride you on the basis of your faith in God (as if "faith" were a dirty word!), because atheism is no stranger to the concept of faith, either. Ask your atheist friends what it would take for them to accept God's existence. Then pray that the Lord will open their spiritual eyes to see the beauty and glory of Jesus Christ, as well as the depravity and hopelessness of their current situation, guilty as they are of sin against a holy and just God. May the Lord grant repentance to those who are strangers to His mercy and grace!
**Quotation taken from Ray Comfort's book, God Doesn't Believe in Atheists (1993), pp. 14-15.
It is the word "believe" in the above quotation which brings us to the assertion made in the title of this article: "Atheism is a faith-based belief system." To be an atheist, you have to have to rely on belief, not factual knowledge. You could never amass enough knowledge to prove the nonexistence of God, so you must place your faith in the improvable assumption that there is no God. My Christian brothers and sisters, do not ever let an atheist deride you on the basis of your faith in God (as if "faith" were a dirty word!), because atheism is no stranger to the concept of faith, either. Ask your atheist friends what it would take for them to accept God's existence. Then pray that the Lord will open their spiritual eyes to see the beauty and glory of Jesus Christ, as well as the depravity and hopelessness of their current situation, guilty as they are of sin against a holy and just God. May the Lord grant repentance to those who are strangers to His mercy and grace!
**Quotation taken from Ray Comfort's book, God Doesn't Believe in Atheists (1993), pp. 14-15.
"you do realize that your fanaticism is BORING?????? or maybe you don't."
Hey! I gave you a way out a long while back......STOP ANSWERING ME AND
I'LL NOT ANSWER BACK. It can't be all that boring to you or you'd have
blocked me a long time ago? Right?
Guess that lack of real knowledge is getting you down? Don't feel bad we're all in that boat together, the Atheist just spends their time in the boat ALONE BY CHOICE!
If you desire to talk I'm here if not STOP ANSWERING ME, its that compulsion on my part!
"the lack of knowledge is all yours. since this is my poll,why don't you stop answering me? you are the guest,and they definitely stink after 3 days."
I will not stop answering until you do, your current poll has NOTHING TO DO WITH OUR CONVERSATION!
You'll notice I said plainly that we are ALL in that boat together you simply choose to be alone with your little bit of understanding. I choose to learn more and grow.
BLOCK ME THEN! But know I will not block you, I believe blocking UNLESS FOR PERSONAL HARASSMENT is the Cowardly way out! Anyone is allowed to attack a point made on either side, that's the point of Sodahead in the first place.
I beg to differ with you, and consider this my last response sense I'm bored with your lack of Interest!
You have no interest?
You can't lose what you never had!, which brings me to the question WHY FIGHT IT IF ITS NOT REAL. There's something real and you can't prove it's not, so it bothers you, get over it you'll never prove God isn't there!
My life is full of Joy because of Christ, and I'm CERTAIN with absolute certainty that he is real. That's something you as an Atheist cannot say about ANYTHING, if you do you have to admit that Absolute truth exists and if it does that it points to an absolute idea in life.
Because you reject the idea of a personal maker you must believe that an impersonal one -- chance -- has determined your reality, that is truly sad and boring!
1. There are no absolutes that define reality. Everything is relative, and thus there is no actual reality. There is ultimately no authority for deciding if an action is positive or negative; right or wrong.
2. There are absolutes that define what is real and what is not. Thus, actions can be deemed right or wrong based upon how they measure up against these absolute standards.
Hence, the chance that forms your reality (which by definition has no standard or objective sense) is the only "real" thing in the universe.
Everything is a chance occurrence, including your ability to understand who and what you are talking about!
Your "Meaning" is a fantasy. There is no way to derive a standard of truth that has any authority. Anything goes!
Because I believe that a personal God created all things, I can know:
--I was created for a purpose
--My level of fulfillment in life will be based on how well I accomplish the objectives ("will") of my Creator.
--Some actions are right, while others are wrong. I can discover this difference by learning about the Creator's plan.
--I am accountable to the Creator for my behavior.
Because you believe that "forces" of chance [Evolution] randomness created all things, you can know:
--That nothing is truly knowable, since there is no standard by which to define reality or by which to measure the factual nature of any given idea.
--That no action is any better than another, hence, all actions are meaningless.
--your then life has no value or purpose, because, in a very real sense, it is an accident
--you are not accountable for your behavior, because nothing you do matters.
Guess that lack of real knowledge is getting you down? Don't feel bad we're all in that boat together, the Atheist just spends their time in the boat ALONE BY CHOICE!
If you desire to talk I'm here if not STOP ANSWERING ME, its that compulsion on my part!
"the lack of knowledge is all yours. since this is my poll,why don't you stop answering me? you are the guest,and they definitely stink after 3 days."
I will not stop answering until you do, your current poll has NOTHING TO DO WITH OUR CONVERSATION!
You'll notice I said plainly that we are ALL in that boat together you simply choose to be alone with your little bit of understanding. I choose to learn more and grow.
BLOCK ME THEN! But know I will not block you, I believe blocking UNLESS FOR PERSONAL HARASSMENT is the Cowardly way out! Anyone is allowed to attack a point made on either side, that's the point of Sodahead in the first place.
"wow, a liar too! typical of
fanatics,they go on and on after anyone has lost interest. you
must have a sad boring little life."
I beg to differ with you, and consider this my last response sense I'm bored with your lack of Interest!
You have no interest?
You can't lose what you never had!, which brings me to the question WHY FIGHT IT IF ITS NOT REAL. There's something real and you can't prove it's not, so it bothers you, get over it you'll never prove God isn't there!
My life is full of Joy because of Christ, and I'm CERTAIN with absolute certainty that he is real. That's something you as an Atheist cannot say about ANYTHING, if you do you have to admit that Absolute truth exists and if it does that it points to an absolute idea in life.
Because you reject the idea of a personal maker you must believe that an impersonal one -- chance -- has determined your reality, that is truly sad and boring!
1. There are no absolutes that define reality. Everything is relative, and thus there is no actual reality. There is ultimately no authority for deciding if an action is positive or negative; right or wrong.
2. There are absolutes that define what is real and what is not. Thus, actions can be deemed right or wrong based upon how they measure up against these absolute standards.
Hence, the chance that forms your reality (which by definition has no standard or objective sense) is the only "real" thing in the universe.
Everything is a chance occurrence, including your ability to understand who and what you are talking about!
Your "Meaning" is a fantasy. There is no way to derive a standard of truth that has any authority. Anything goes!
Because I believe that a personal God created all things, I can know:
--I was created for a purpose
--My level of fulfillment in life will be based on how well I accomplish the objectives ("will") of my Creator.
--Some actions are right, while others are wrong. I can discover this difference by learning about the Creator's plan.
--I am accountable to the Creator for my behavior.
Because you believe that "forces" of chance [Evolution] randomness created all things, you can know:
--That nothing is truly knowable, since there is no standard by which to define reality or by which to measure the factual nature of any given idea.
--That no action is any better than another, hence, all actions are meaningless.
--your then life has no value or purpose, because, in a very real sense, it is an accident
--you are not accountable for your behavior, because nothing you do matters.
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Please, if you are a skeptic, DO NOT swear or name call, if you cannot be civil then your comment will not be seen. If your evidence is that weak, then my point is made before you comment!